i numeri tra parentesi si riferiscono alle sostanze o ai prodotti che provocano allegrie o intolleranze
per qualsiasi informazione, rivolgetevi al personale
the numbers in the parantheses refer to the substances or products that cause allegories or intolerances
for any explanations, please ask your waiter
sliced local cured beef with parmigiano cheese flakes and rocket salad (7)
Marco d'Oggiono ham, buffalo mozzarella, fresh tomato and vegetables (7)
Parmigiano Reggiano with fresh fruits and jams (7)
Marco d'Oggiono ham, sliced local cured beef, buffalo mozzarella and fresh tomato (7)
mozzarella di bufala, pomodoro, rucola (7)
buffalo mozzarella, tomato, rocket salad
mix of italian cheeses, local cold cuts and jams (7)
mix of italian cheeses and jams (7)
mix of typical italian cold cuts (7)
lake fish pâté (pigo, siluro di lago e lavarello) with vegetable crudités, toasted bread and butter (1, 4, 7, 12)
milanese-style calf pâté with nerves (cartilages and tendons of the shin and knee of the calf), Marco d'Oggiono ham, toasted bread and butter (1, 7, 12)
mix of lake pâté and Milanese calf pâté with green salad, fennel, vegetable crudités, tomato, toasted bread on the side and butter (1, 7, 12)
venere rice, shrimps, surimi, squid, courgettes, peas and corn (2, 4, 14)
eggplant parmesan with tomato sauce and cheese (1, 7)
warm sicilian cous cous with sautéed vegetables (small pieces of zucchini, peppers, corn, eggplants, artichokes,cucumbers, green and black olives, peas and mushrooms) and strips chickens (1, 7, 13)
pasta con grano saraceno, coste, formaggio, burro, patate
buckwheat pasta, cheese, butter sauce, potatoes and green
vegetables (1, 7) *
salsiccia e lenticchie in umido
pork sausage and lentils with tomato sauce *
trippa di manzo in umido con le verdure
cow tripe with tomato sauce and vegetables (7, 9) *
small pieces of beef cooked with red wine and vegetables with toasted bread (1, 9, 12) *
cannelloni pasta with ricotta cheese, spinach and bechamel (1, 3, 7) *
semolina dumplings with butter (1, 3, 7) *
pasta all'uovo, besciamella e ragù di carne di maiale e di manzo
egg pasta with meat (beef and pork) red sauce and bechamel (1, 3, 6, 7, 9) *
pasta all'uovo, besciamella, salsa di pomodoro e verdure
egg pasta with bechamel, tomato sauce and vegetables (1, 6, 7) *
small pasta with tomato sauce and beans (1, 9) *
barley soup with vegetables (9) *
squid soup with green peas in red sauce (1, 2, 4, 7, 14) *
ceci, fagioli cannellini, lenticchie, fagioli occhio nero
spelled soup with tomato souce and chickpeas, cannellini beans, lentils, black eye beans (1) *
* i piatti sono preparati dalla gastronomia Gerosa e conservati in atmosfera modificata. Per garantirne la freschezza, a volte il prodotto può essere surgelato
* the dishes are prepared by Gerosa's gastronomy and are conserved in modified atmosphere. To ensure their freshness, sometimes the products could be frozen
frozen milk cream with strawberry and fresh fruits (1, 3, 7) **
frozen milk cream, choccolate dips, marsala wine and fresh fruits (1, 3, 7) **
chocolate, dry biscuits, butter and sugar and fresh fruits (1, 3, 6, 7, 8) **
Piera's biscuits selection (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11)
torta locale e tradizionale senza uova, pinoli, arancia candita, uva passa e marmellata d'arancia | Toscanella cake, traditional and local cake without eggs, with pine nuts, raisin, candid orange, orange jam and fresh fruits (1, 3, 7, 8)
selection of biscuits with two glasses of liqueur wines (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11)
** i dolci artigianali sono preparati da pasticcerie di Civenna e Visgnola. Per garantirne la freschezza, alcuni prodotti devono essere conservati in freezer
** the desserts are artigianal and prepared by the bakery of Civenna and Visgnola. To ensure their freshness, some products are conserved in freezer